Open Doors Blog

Academic Program Amy Nyland Academic Program Amy Nyland

From Apprehension To Empowerment: The importance of collaboration when learning about Generative AI

An interesting phenomenon I’ve noticed is that we teachers extol the virtues of collaborative learning in the classroom, but rarely have time for it ourselves. Busy schedules can make it difficult to set aside time for partnerships on projects or professional development that are seen as outside the scope of typical unit planning. However, when teachers have these experiences, they are energized.

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Academic Program Amy Nyland Academic Program Amy Nyland

Building for Belonging at One Schoolhouse

At One Schoolhouse, one of our foundational values is “build for belonging”. We believe that the future of education - and of our world - rests in building equitable and inclusive institutions. We seek out diverse voices, listen intently to each other, and build experiences that honor identity.

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Academic Program Jasper McElrath Academic Program Jasper McElrath

Learning Online Solves Unique Challenges

As every school administrator knows, August can bring surprises. There are surprises that are minor and relatively easy to handle: the student who discovers a new passion over the summer and wants to change some courses; or the student whose schedule needs fixing because they’ve been double-booked for the same class period.

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