Team Members

Here to Support Your School

Have questions about our Academic Program or the Association for Academic Leaders? One Schoolhouse Member Services Managers, Elliot and Jordyn, are here to help. Get in touch below!

  • Lynnae Boudreau

    Director of Instructional Coaching
    BA University of Virginia
    MA Graduate Theological Union

  • Curt Brossman

    Senior Director,  Finance
    BA UNC - Chapel Hill
    MS University of Tennessee
    MAC UNC - Chapel Hill

  • Seanta Cleveland​​

    Associate Director, Academic Program, and Assistant Principal
    BS Georgia State University
    MS Texas Tech University
    EdD University of South Carolina

  • Christian Davis

    Manager, New School Partnerships
    ​BA Newbury College

  • Lindsay Hamilton​

    Operations Manager 
    Rider University
    Villanova University

  • Sarah Hanawald

    Executive Director, Association for Academic Leaders
    BA Duke University
    MEd UNC-Greensboro

  • Kim Harris

    Association for Academic Leaders Program Manager
    BA Eastern Illinois University
    MAT Johns Hopkins University

  • Delinda Hyde

    Director of Student Success
    BA Dominican University

  • Jordyn Koehne

    Member Services Manager - Mid-West, Southeast, West & International
    ​​BA Oakland City University 

  • Charnelle Lyles

    Student Success Manager
    BA & MA Towson University 
    MEd Trinity Washington University

  • Jasper McElrath

    Director, Digital Marketing
    BA University of Maryland

  • Amy Nyland

    Director of Operations
    BA Columbus State University

  • Brad Rathgeber

    President & CEO​ 
    BA UNC - Chapel Hill
    MALS  Dartmouth College

  • Erin Rehel

    Chief Operating Officer
    BA & MA McGill University
    MA Brandeis University
    PhD Vanderbilt University

  • Kaly Spilhaus

    Director of Instructional Coaching
    BA Saint Michael’s College
    MA Ed. Harvard University

  • Elliot Svirnovskiy​

    Member Services Manager - Mid-Atlantic & Northeast
    BA & MA The George Washington University

Academic Program at One Schoolhouse Faculty

Jennifer Adams, BS Samford University & ​MEd Vanderbilt University – Social Sciences Teacher

Maureen Aguilar, MA Universidad de San Jorge, Zaragoza, Spain & M Ed Lipscomb University - Language Teacher - Language Teacher

Elizabeth Allen, BA Wake Forest University & MA University of Virginia – Language Teacher

Andréanne Annis, ​BM Conservatoire de musique de Québec, BA Université Laval, MA University of North Texas – Language Teacher

Liv Anda Asplund, BA St. Olaf's College & MS University of Minnesota – Computer Science Teacher

Gary Baldwin, MA Harvard & University of Nebraska, BA Colgate University - Economics Teacher

Bozena Baranowska-Lawson, MA University of Warsaw, Poland​ – Language Teacher

Caitie Barker, BA Saint Anselm College, MEd Boston College & EdD Northeastern University – Language Teacher

Thanh Beedle, BA Whitman College, MIT Saint Martin’s University & PhD ​Washington State University – Science Teacher

Dante Beretta, BA St. John's College, MA Johns Hopkins University & PhD Johns Hopkins University – Language Teacher 

Tom Biggs, MA Columbia University & The University of Texas Austin, BA Princeton University - Economics Teacher

Carol Braun, BA & BS Valparaiso University, MS & PhD Northwestern University – Mathematics Teacher

Kathleen Brennan, ​​BA St. Peter’s University, MA Rutgers University – Business & Economics Teacher

Leslie Chamberlain, ​BS University of North Texas & PhD University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill – Science Teacher

Natasha Clemmons, MA William Woods University, BA The Ohio State University, Ed.D. University of Massachusetts Lowell - Science Teacher

Amy Crumrine, BS Rochester Institute of Technology, MS Rochester Institute of Technology & MS Gallaudet University – Language Teacher

Gabby Dedrick, BS & MEd Grand Canyon University & Ed.D Rockhurst University - Mathematics Teacher

Kim Eife, BA Temple University & MS Drexel University – Science Teacher

Leslee Frye, BA University of Delaware, MS Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine & EdS Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine – Social Sciences Teacher

Harriet Furton, MA The University of Texas at Dallas & MD Semmelweis Medical University – Science Teacher

Erin Hatton, BA Bowdoin College & MA Union Graduate College – Science Teacher

Holly Hensarling, BA University of Mississippi & MA University of Alabama – Social Sciences Teacher

Johanna Huang, MA Hamline University, BA Shanghai International Studies University - Language Teacher

Yelena Janumyan Doe, BS Clarion University & PhD Vanderbilt University – Mathematics Teacher

Kaityln Kinshella, MA Colorado College, BA Gonzaga University - Language Teacher

Candese Langlois, BS Richard Stockton College of New Jersey - Science Teacher

Lisa Lauck, ​BA William Jewell College, MEd Rockhurst University & EdD Baker University – Social Sciences Teacher

Nick Lee, BS New York University, MA Columbia University – Mathematics Teacher

Jenna-Fleur Lin, BA University of Missouri Saint Louis, MS University of Colorado Denver - Mathematics Teacher

Jianmin Luo, BA Hunan Normal University & MEd Seattle University – Language Teacher

Sara Macaulay, BA Middlebury College & MA ​Rhode Island School of Design – Humanities Teacher

Rona Mattocks, MA Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont-II), BA The University of Texas Austin - Language Teacher

Krystle Merchant, BA Duke University & MA McGill University – Social Sciences Teacher

​​Caitlin Montes de Oca, BA Bates College & MA Yale University – Language Teacher

Katie Moore, BA University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign & ​MA University of Northern Colorado – Language Teacher

What Students Say About Their One Schoolhouse Teachers

"This was my first time taking an online class, and my teacher was extremely helpful and understanding. I don't think I could have done this course without her, and I'm very grateful for everything she did for us this year!"

"I really enjoyed learning from my teacher. I really felt like my teacher was there for me, and I also felt comfortable reaching out to her if I needed to."

"Thank you for the effort you put in, I appreciate it a lot. You want us to succeed and I think that is one of the most important characteristics of a teacher."

"My teacher has done a great job with communication. She always helps me when I don't understand and grades quickly, which is very helpful because I never go into the next unit confused about what I just learned."

Academic Program Teachers In Their Own Words

"There are so many supportive people at One Schoolhouse who have been on my side to help me grow as a teacher. I'm just so fortunate--the One Schoolhouse Academic Team is all about growth, potential and empathy. All the great things that you could ask for." Leslee Frye

"Because of my time teaching with One Schoolhouse, I’ve brought elements of student choice, back to my face-to-face classrooms. Teaching online has encouraged me to be more intentional as a teacher." Jennifer Adams

"One of the many things One Schoolhouse focuses on is the actual learning process of each student. Through goals, reflection, discussion, and interaction with me and their peers, students take more ownership of this process and develop a strong awareness of their own learning." Jacqueline Muratore​

Kellyann Morgan, ​BA Denison University, ​MA & MEd Columbia University – Social Sciences Teacher

Portia Morrell, BA Florida International University – Teacher

Jeff Morrison, BA SUNY Fredonia, MEd Kennesaw State University & PhD Georgia State University – Computer Science Teacher 

Amanda Mudde, BA Calvin College & MAMT San Francisco State University - Mathematics Teacher

Christine Murakami, ​BA University of California, Berkeley & MEd University of Washington – Computer Science Teacher

Jacqueline Muratore, BA Cornell University, MA & MEd Columbia University – Mathematics Teacher

Stephen Muratore, BA Rutgers University – Mathematics Teacher

Jennifer Murphy, BA & MA Bard College – Language Teacher

Lydia Noriega-Ecke, BA Universidad De Sonora & MA University of Arizona – Language Teacher

Dathalinn O'Dea, BA Hamilton College & PhD Boston College – Humanities Teacher

Emily Philpott, ​BA University of Virginia & MAT University of Virginia – History Teacher

Charlie Potter, MA Lewis and Clark College, BA Georgetown University - Social Studies Teacher

Rebecca Plona, ​AB Middlebury College, MEd Boston University & MA Vermont College – Social Sciences Teacher

Deb Prantl, BS Westmar University & MS University of Colorado – Mathematics Teacher

Donald Pyles, BA Roanoke College &MEd The College of William and Mary – Humanities Teacher

Mairi Ratuiste, BA University of Portland & MA University of Northern Colorado – Social Sciences Teacher

Matt Romano, BS Auburn University & MS Georgia Southern University – Economics Teacher

Lauren Riva, Ph.D & MS University of Tennessee - Knoxville, M.Ed. Nova Southeastern University - Ft. Lauderdale, BA University of North Carolina - Asheville - Mathematics Teacher

Joy Schaefer, BA Aquinas College, MA New York University & PhD Stony Brook University – Language Teacher

Sherri Schieferstein, MA & ED.D. NorthCentral University, CUNY Hunter, BA SUNY Stony Brook University - American Sign Language Teacher

Dana Scott, BM New England Conservatory of Music & MM Peabody Conservatory at Johns Hopkins University – Arts Teacher 

Kathleen Shiffman, ​​BA Boston University – Mathematics Teacher

Kerry Smith, ​BA Oglethorpe University & MA The Ohio State University – Humanities Teacher

Mary Smith, ​BA University of Central Arkansas, MAT Christian Brothers University, MA University of New Orleans & ​EdD East Tennessee State University – Language Teacher

Serena Smith, BA Hamilton College & MA Middlebury College - Language Teacher

Sharry Sosa, BA University of Oregon - Language Teacher

Roxanne Spencer, ​BS Eckerd College, MA Princeton University & PhD Princeton University – Science Teacher

Andrew Szilvasy, MA Boston College & UMass Boston, BA Trinity College-Hartford - Humanities Teacher

Kathleen Teel, BS University of Kansas & MA University of New Mexico – Science Teacher

Xiaohong Teng, ​BA Liaoning Normal University & MA University of Colorado, Colorado Springs – Language Teacher

Madeline Thayer, BA Wellesley College, MA & PhD University of Southern California – Language Teacher

Ching Chih Tseng, BA Tung Hai University & MS Cal State East Bay – Language Teacher

Chris Uyeda, ​BS Stanford University & MA University of Miami – Science Teacher

Brooke Walsh, ​​BA University of Virginia & MEd University of Virginia – Social Sciences Teacher

Krissie Williams, ​BA Boston College & MA Columbia University – Language Teacher

Karen Zeller, ​BA Princeton University, MA Trinity Evangelical Divinity School & PhD University of Oregon – Language Teacher

Ying Zhang, BA Shandong University, MA Shandong University & MA Vanderbilt University – Language Teacher